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"Meet Your Fellow Human Being With Love And Respect, And Expect To Be Met With The Same"

A MultiCreator Power House – Sharing Music, Writings, Images, Ideas, Concepts & Events for ChangeMakers!


Hi! My name is Anders Abrahamsson!

MultiCreator • DJ/Artist/Producer/Composer/Writer–Ideas/Images/Visions/Concepts/Events • Inventor of #ThePomodoroMix • Author/Designer of #TheFlowBooks • Institutional & Societal Entrepreneur • Entresearcher of #Music4Health

First out!

Music Is My Core Sharing With The World!

> Mix Compilations/DJ Sets [Live/Studio] <

> Producer/Composer [Stealth Mode] <

> Inventor of #ThePomodoroMix

for Focus, Work, Exercise, Meditation & Well-Being! <

> Five Artist Aliases <

Here to [Make You] DANCE!

#TheFlowBooks - Read, Learn, Live, Be, Do, Move, Love and Rest - In Flow! Why, What and How? Seven Books - One Life!

If you want to see what's up - do check out and subscribe to my [Almost] Daily and Monthly publishing on Substack to your treats! Adding Learnings, Inspirations, and Hope to your Flow of Life! And - of COURSE! - MUSIC!

Free – as in "free coffee" – 4EVAH!

Curious? Want to get to know me more?

Consider yourself invited!

Help Me Help You And The World! Buy Me A Coffee? Becoming A Member Of The RE:LOVE THE WORLD Coffee Club? Sponsor a Pomodoro Mix Set of Three á 25m – inspired by your Music Tastes? The Choice is YOURS!

... and Last - But Not Least! - Seed Fund My Senior PhD Research Project! Aiming for Affiliation and Fully Funded at Fall of 2023!

Thank You For Your Attention! Keep Love! Keep Flow! Keep Strong! Peace & Love, Anders
